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Trans Celebration Shabbat

Trans Celebration Shabbat
Friday, June 7, 5:30pm

Kick off Pride month with a dose of trans Jewish joy! Please join us on June 7 for Trans Celebration Shabbat, honoring the memory of Ray Bernstein z"l. Led by Rabbi Copeland and Alyss Weissglass. Rabbi Zellman will be drashing. People of all backgrounds and all genders are warmly welcome. Learning sessions will be fully hybrid; you can participate from the synagogue or from your computer. The Kabbalat Shabbat service will be available via Zoom as usual, using the usual link for Shabbat. Our teacher will be Rabbi Reuben Zellman of SZ's Welcome Home Project.

5:30-6:15 pm Learning session (and snacks!): An Intersex Tour of Jewish Law
6:30-7:15pm  Learning session (and snacks!):  Changing Names: Jewish Traditions & Trans Lives
7:30pm Kabbalat Shabbat service, celebrating trans empowerment and gender freedom for all people.
8:45pm Festive oneg (food and socializing)

If you plan to attend on Zoom, please register here

If you would like to bill to your account or pay via check, you must be logged into ShulCloud. 
Thu, September 12 2024 9 Elul 5784