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Adult Education by Rabbi Eilberg: Learning to Listen and Disagree with Love

Dates: Mondays, from February 22 until March 15, 2021
Time: 7:00 - 8:30 pm
Aimed at: Sha'ar Zahav members only
Location: Via Zoom

In today's world, discussions about Israel and Palestine can quickly devolve into inflammatory disagreements and personal attacks that leave everyone angry and unheard – even in a loving community like ours! We often won’t succeed at convincing others to see things our way. But can we create a culture of resilient and respectful learning about Israel and Palestine at Sha'ar Zahav? The class will be led by Rabbi Amy Eilberg, former director of the Pardes Rodef Shalom.

More about Rabbi Amy Eilberg
Rabbi Amy Eilberg is the first woman ordained as a Conservative rabbi by the Jewish Theological Seminary of America. She serves as a spiritual director, kindness coach, and peace and justice educator. She recently served as the Coordinator of Jewish Engagement for Faith in Action Bay Area, a multi-faith, multi-racial social justice organization in the San Francisco Bay Area. Prior to that she served as the director of the Pardes Rodef Shalom (Pursuer of Peace) Communities Program, teaching Jewish civil discourse to rabbis, synagogues and Jewish organizations. Her book, From Enemy to Friend: Jewish Wisdom and the Pursuit of Peace, was published by Orbis Books in March 2014. She received her Doctor of Ministry degree from United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities in 2016.

For more information, contact liliana@shaarzahav.org.

Participant Fee
Members only: $54
However no one is turned away! Please email Liliana Peliks before completing this form if you want to inquire about scholarships.

Access Information
You will receive the Zoom link in your registration confirmation email. 

Enrollment Survey
Israel has not been discussed in our community for many years. And we know that when it has, we’ve struggled to maintain our community’s core values. Our hope is to move Sha'ar Zahav to a place where we are able to respectfully and genuinely engage in discussions and programs about Israel/Palestine, knowing that we hold and will continue to hold differing opinions. We know this group isn’t for everyone. We may reach out to you to ensure this experience matches what you’re looking for.

Your answers to the questions below will help us ensure that this group matches your hopes. Your responses will also give our instructor a better idea of the range of experience and diversity of opinions in the group. 

If for whatever reason you don’t participate in the course, we’ll reimburse your fee.
Please indicate the extent to which you support the following:
1 = Object to
2 = Mostly don’t support
3 = On the fence
4 = Conditionally support
5 = Strongly support
6 = I don’t know
Regarding Israel’s survival, which of these statements do you agree with?
On a scale of 1-5:
1 = Strongly disagree
5 = Strongly agree
Thinking about Israel as a Jewish homeland – and without getting into exact borders – please indicate the extent to which you agree with the statements below.
On a scale of 1-5:
1 = Strongly disagree
5 = Strongly agree

Thank you so much for registering for this workshop. We’ll be in touch soon.

Wed, March 12 2025 12 Adar 5785