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Beit Sefer Phyllis Mintzer 2024-2025 School Year Registration

Student 1

Student 2

Student 3

Parent/ Guardian 1

Parent/ Guardian 2

Parent/ Guardian 3

Medical and Emergency Information

Emergency Information
Person other than parent to contact in case of emergency (mandatory to list at least one, two is better!)
Medical Information
Does your child have life threatening allergies or other important medical information you would like us to be aware of?

Medical Consent
Field Trip Permission
Photograph Consent
Enrollment Agreement

Regular BSPM Tuition for Shabbat School Year 2024-2025 (Grades K-7)
$1,090.00 Per Student

Hebrew Instruction for School Year 2024-2025 (Grades 5 & 6 ONLY)
$570.00 Per Student

B'mitzvah Fee (Grade 7 ONLY)
$350.00 Per Student

Teen Leadership Program (Madrichimot) for 2024-2025 (Grades 8-12)
$150.00 Per Student

If you wish to pay in installments, you will be prompted to choose the frequency of payments after clicking "Submit"

Please choose the number of children you wish to enroll for each program, below. 
   Shabbat School for 2024-2025 (Grades K-7)
   Hebrew Tutoring for 2024-2025 (Grades 5 & 6 only)
   B' Mitzvah Fee (Grade 7 only)
   Teen Leadership Program (Madrichimot) for 2024-2025 (Grades 8-12)
   Partial Year Tuition (Pro-Rated)
If you require a scholarship, please select the scholarship option only.
A scholarship form will be sent to you; you will be billed after the scholarship is awarded.
Fri, March 28 2025 28 Adar 5785